Unique Books for the Family that Teach Bible History in an Engaging Way

Unique Books for the Family that Teach Bible History in an Engaging Way

Unique Books for the Family that Teach Bible History in an Engaging Way 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

Champ Thornton, Ph.D., and his wife, Robben, live in Newark, Delaware, and have three children. He is the author of many books that children and families can enjoy while staying engaged and learning biblical content, more speicfically, the history of the church and the Bible. He also hosts a ten-minute family podcast called “In the Word, On the Go.”

Champ discusses lessons and biblical wisdom from some of his books:

  • The Radical Book for Kids: Exploring the Roots and Shoots of Faith is a fun-filled interactive guide for ages eight and up that teaches about church and Bible history.
  • Why Do We Say Good Night? When You Are Afraid of the Dark helps parents comfort their children with three truths about God that can help them understand the dark better and not be afraid at bedtime.
  • The Serpent Slayer and the Scroll of Riddles is an adventure book where a brother and sister time travel through the history of the Bible, getting trapped in an ancient scroll where they try to escape by unlocking secret riddles and following a dangerous path!

Champ’s website, Twitter, and Instagram.

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