7+ Resources to Help Explain Homosexuality and Transgenderism to Your Child

7+ Resources to Help Explain Homosexuality and Transgenderism to Your Child

7+ Resources to Help Explain Homosexuality and Transgenderism to Your Child Lee Ann Mancini

We are to love others and bring them to Christ, not condemn them!

During preschool and early elementary years, children explore what it means to be a boy or girl. Experts state that gender identity tends to be established by age 4. It is difficult to explain to a child, especially when the child is being raised in a Christian home. It can be confusing when the child understands that it is a sin for a man to be a woman or a woman to be a man, or for a woman to be with a woman and a man to be with a man. The most important fact is that we all sin. But, as sinners saved by Christ, we are to love others and bring them to Christ, not condemn them.

Lee Ann details the different ways you can talk about the sensitive subject of homosexuality and transgenderism with your children if they start asking questions.

Focus on the family has a lot of helpful resources when discussing with your family:
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