Children Wanting to Read God’s Word

Children Wanting to Read God’s Word

Children Wanting to Read God’s Word Lee Ann Mancini

Do your children love to read or do they have a hard time reading?

God’s word instructs us to read His word. In fact, there is only one thing that will never disappear- His word! We worship our Lord Jesus Christ through His word. We don’t worship the Bible itself – that is called bibliolatry. Our children need a heart transformation, meaning they need to want to read the Word of God and not read it because they are told to.

Here are a few tips to help foster the love of reading:

  1. Make sure to start early and read books that are colorful and are not too wordy for small children. You want them to be able to sit still and retain their attention.
  2. Set a specific time for reading. Children love routine. Make it fun that way they can’t wait to sit down and read. Perhaps you even have a reward system.
  3. Make sure the reading material is not beyond their reading skills, or they will become frustrated and lose the desire to read.
  4. When it’s possible, have your children read to other children.
  5. Make a trip to the library fun.
  6. Pick out books that feature topics your child is already interested in.
  7. Comic books are fun for kids – just be careful to make sure they don’t want to read their comic book more than their Bible.
  8. Help them create a book they can read. It is easier for a child to learn to read if it is a story that they have created and can relate to.
  9. Make sure your child sees you reading your Bible. Remember, more is caught than taught.
  10. Make sure to give a book as a gift for every celebration or occasion.

As we know reading is vitally important and if there is a problem with our child’s reading, it must be addressed immediately. It is important to watch for signs that our children may be having trouble reading because sometimes it is necessary to seek professional help.

7 Early Signs Your Child May Have a Reading Issue”, by Melissa Taylor, is a great article that can help you as a parent learn what to look for in your child’s reading patterns. is a great teaching tool that helps students with dyslexia or other issues.

Bible Verses Referenced:
Book Referenced:
  • Raising Confident Readers: How to Teach Your Child to Read and Write—from Baby to Age 7, by Dr. J. Richard Gentry

Get a cup of coffee, take about ten minutes to recharge your batteries, and equip your mind so you can raise warriors for Christ that will stand firm in the face of evil! Occasionally, we will be giving away free books – so stay tuned! My team and I are here to serve you all for the glory of our Lord!