Co-founder of Teach Them Diligently Shares Her Unique Perspective on Homeschooling & Parenting

Co-founder of Teach Them Diligently Shares Her Unique Perspective on Homeschooling & Parenting

Co-founder of Teach Them Diligently Shares Her Unique Perspective on Homeschooling & Parenting 1200 628 Lena Mancini

“Most people’s biggest problem with homeschooling is they don’t really believe that they’re good parents. And that’s why the subtitle became How Amazing Parents Become Excellent Home Educators because you are an amazing parent because you are the parent that God created specifically for that child whether by birth or by choice. God put that child in your family. ” – Leslie Nunnery.


Leslie Nunnery is a prominent figure in the Christian homeschooling community. As the co-founder of Teach Them Diligently, she has dedicated herself to providing resources and experiences to strengthen Christian homeschooling families.

Leslie is also an accomplished author, with several books on parenting and homeschooling to her name, including Teach Them Diligently: Raising Children of Promise and Heart School: How Amazing Parents Become Excellent Home Educators. In addition to her writing, she is a sought-after speaker and the host of the Teach Them Diligently podcast, where she shares her expertise and passion for educating and equipping parents to realize their call and execute it well.

During this episode, Leslie shares her unique perspective on homeschooling and parenting. She discusses how her new book differs from other homeschooling books and how it can benefit all parents, regardless of their approach to education.

Key Takeaways:

  • Common misconceptions about homeschooling:
    • Fear of not being “enough” as a parent and educator.
    • Shifting the focus to understanding the primary mission of homeschooling.
  • The mission is to disciple and shepherd the hearts of children.
  • Homeschooling is a tool to complement the mission of discipleship.
  • How Heart School can be used as a tool to help see the alignment between the educational outlet used and the family’s call.
  • Emphasis on being amazing parents to become excellent home educators.
  • Addressing parental doubts and instilling confidence in the parenting role.

“Teach Them Diligently is here to really help reorient families to see their main mission is to disciple and shepherd the hearts of their children, bring them to Jesus, and then homeschooling actually becomes a fabulous compliment for that.” – Leslie Nunnery.

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