Embrace the Calling, Blessing, and Honor of Parenting by Taking Parenting Classes

Embrace the Calling, Blessing, and Honor of Parenting by Taking Parenting Classes

Embrace the Calling, Blessing, and Honor of Parenting by Taking Parenting Classes 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

Why should you be taking a parenting class?


During this episode, host Lee Ann Mancini dives into the importance of parenting classes and the profound impact of raising children in the Christian faith. She discusses the essential role parents play as spiritual leaders in their children’s lives and emphasizes the significance of equipping ourselves to be the very best for our children, instilling in them a deep love for God and his word.

Addressing the importance of continuous learning and growth, Lee Ann encourages listeners to view parenting as a calling, blessing, and honor. She emphasizes the impact that proper parenting can have on shaping children’s future faith and, ultimately, the preservation of Christianity. Lee Ann also acknowledges the challenges of raising children in today’s world and offers a compelling argument for the necessity of equipping oneself through parenting classes.

Key Takeaways:

  • How parenting classes can help you increase your knowledge in becoming better at the craft of parenting.
  • The importance of educating ourselves to become the best spiritual leaders for our children.
  • Being chosen by God to raise children in His image.
  • Imparting values through actions and words and showing commitment to living out and sharing faith.
  • Preparing children for their divine purpose.
  • Instilling unwavering love for God and His Word and equipping them to stand firm in their faith.
  • The need for planning and training to raise spiritual champions.
  • Being proactive in training children against spiritual warfare.
  • Necessity for good planning and diligent implementation.
  • Making disciples as instructed in Matthew 28:19-20.

“To prepare them for the Lord’s divine purpose for their lives, we must instill in our children a deep, unwavering love for God and His word.” – Lee Ann Mancini.

Order Lee Ann’s parenting guide book here – Raising Kids to Follow Christ: Instilling a Lifelong Trust in God.

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