Helping Kids Discover Their Worth and Value Through a Kid’s Devotional and a Picture Book

Helping Kids Discover Their Worth and Value Through a Kid’s Devotional and a Picture Book

Helping Kids Discover Their Worth and Value Through a Kid’s Devotional and a Picture Book 1200 628 crissbert

With a personal motto to “Pray Often, Inspire Others, Create Beauty,guest blogger Sandra Kay Chambers writes and blogs to help kids and adults understand how much God loves them and that He has a purpose for their lives. Sandra is a wife, mother, former teacher, journalist and author of a children’s devotional and a picture book. She is also the author of an adult book on prayer, Lord, It’s Boring in My Prayer Closet: How to Revitalize Your Prayer Life, and teaches a class based on her book at Sandra is also the host of the Five-Minute Parenting Podcast, a Christian parenting podcast offering practical and spiritual tips and resources to help parents raise competent, godly kids.

In today’s culture, there is a battle raging for the hearts and minds of our children. They are growing up in a culture that no longer holds traditional Christian values. The culture is shifting so fast that even Christian parents can hardly believe the lies that are being perpetuated as truth. These lies attack at the heart of who our children are—their sexual identity, their worth, and their purpose in life.

This influence on our children begins so much earlier than most of us experienced in our lives. Even young children are bombarded daily with media advertisements on TV, social media, magazines, etc. that portray success as external beauty, popularity, sexiness, etc. And we can no longer assume that what used to be safe institutions—our schools, libraries, bookstores, and children’s organizations—are safe now. In addition, social media platforms have been under attack for their psychological and emotional impacts on children and teens, making them feel they don’t “measure up.”

By the time children reach their tween and teen years, many of these harmful lies about who they are, their value as a person, and their purpose in life have already caused much harm psychologically, emotionally, and physically. Reports also show that Covid contributed to a mental health crisis for our children and teens. 

Building a Strong Foundation of Truth in Our Children
The earlier we begin to build a foundation of Truth in our children’s lives, the earlier they will be equipped to discern Truth and stand against an ungodly worldview. Billy Graham once said that the greatest legacy one can pass on is not money or other material things accumulated in one’s life, but rather a legacy of character and faith.

Psalm 78:4 reminds us that we should tell “the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and the wonders that he has done.”

Helping kids discover the truth about God and themselves is the theme of Fingerprint Devotions: 40 Devotions to Help You Realize You Are a Kid Uniquely Created by God for a Purpose (ages 8-12) ©2023 Ambassador International Publishers. This devotional aims to help kids discover some of the glorious deeds of God. For example, out of approximately 7.9 billion people on earth today, no two people—not even twins–have the same fingerprints. Each person is uniquely created by God, one-of-a-kind, with a special purpose and calling for his or her life. Kids will be excited to learn more fun facts about fingerprints and just how unique and special they are to God. This devotional helps kids build a firm biblical foundation to help them recognize that God created them for a purpose and that they have worth and value to God and others.

An Overview of Fingerprint Devotions
Each of the 40 devotions has a fun scientific fingerprint fact that engages their mind, a related scripture, an age-appropriate short devotion, a journal question or a fun creative activity, and a prayer. Each section of the book discusses fingerprints from a different perspective.

  1. God’s Fingerprint is on You By Creation.
  2. God’s Fingerprint is on You Through Salvation in Jesus.
  3. God’s Fingerprint is Shown By How You Live.
  4. God’s Fingerprint is Shown Through Your Gifts and Talents

There is a free, downloadable Fingerprint Activity Packet available on my website.

Helping Kids Who May Not Be In A Christian Home
As I wrote this devotional, I had a burden not only for children growing up in Christian homes, but for children who may not be in a Christian setting or attending church. God opened the door for me to partner with 7Homes—an NC-based Christian foster and adoption agency.  I was able to donate and seek donations during my book launch from readers so that 7Homes could put this devotional in their “care bags” they give to children who have to be taken out of their homes (sometimes suddenly) and placed in foster care. These children, who are often traumatized, need to know that God loves them, that they are important, and that He has a purpose for their lives. This summer, 7Homes had enough books donated that every child who attended their foster camp in July 2024 received their own personal copy. I would love to continue to support 7Homes, and if you feel led to donate a copy ($11.99) you can purchase it on Amazon and the book will be sent directly to 7Homes: (For bulk orders of 10 or more, contact [email protected])

A Picture Book That Helps Our Youngest Children Understand They Are Special
I’m also excited to announce my upcoming picture book, Maisie Discovers Her Fingerprint for kids ages 3-8 (Coming Oct. 2024. Pre-orders are available on Amazon). The book is about an adorable French bulldog who doesn’t feel special. If she just had unique fingerprints like humans, Maisie might feel special and her doggie friends might accept her. This book for younger kids will help them realize they are unique and special because God created them (and Maisie) with their own unique fingerprint that no one else on earth has. Through this STEM picture book, kids will also be introduced to other animals that have unique fingerprints. And, at the back of the book, kids will discover 10 more fun Fingerprint Facts. There’s also a free downloadable Maisie Activity Packet on my website.

It’s my desire that these two resources will help you encourage your kids with the Truth of God’s love for them and His purpose for them. As parents, we are our child’s first and foremost teacher, supporter, and encourager. God has given us the task of meeting our children’s physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs. As we attempt to do all this, our primary goal is to help them understand that they are loved by us and by a God who has uniquely created them and has a purpose for their life.

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