Helping Your Child Gain Spiritual Wisdom

Helping Your Child Gain Spiritual Wisdom

Helping Your Child Gain Spiritual Wisdom Lee Ann Mancini

We desire and seek spiritual wisdom in different ways. Helping our children gain spiritual wisdom can assist us in raising Christian kids.

Just as Solomon did, we must ask God for spiritual wisdom, as it is a gift from Him. Solomon could have asked for anything, but he knew that having godly wisdom would be all he needed.

Spiritual wisdom works hand in hand with the gifts of knowledge and discernment, as God shows us what to do with both. Knowledge is when God reveals the truth. Discernment allows us to understand the spiritual implications behind what someone has shared to be true or false.

The difference between spiritual wisdom and just wisdom is that there is the wisdom of the world and wisdom of the Word (spiritual). The Word of God gives us wisdom that comes from His Holy Spirit. Remember, the Word of God is the living Word. Explain to your child that the Bible is the living Word – it is the only thing that lasts forever.

What can you do to instill godly wisdom?

  1. Encourage your child to ask God for spiritual wisdom.
  2. When your child comes to you with a problem, ask them if they prayed.
  3. Pull out your Bible and go to the concordance and seek Bible verses that address the question your child is asking you.
  4. Read Proverbs to help your child understand how they can gain wisdom, knowledge, discernment, joy, blessings, and a long life from Jesus.
  5. Encourage your children to memorize Bible verses.
  6. Model godly wisdom – go to the throne instead of the phone.
  7. Solomon was 12-year-old when he became the king; read 1 Kings 3.
  8. Share a personal story of something you did that was a wise choice. Explain the process to your child.
  9. Express to them that others will look up to them if they wish to gain godly wisdom—we all like intelligent people who give wise advice.
  10. Wisdom builds “God-fidence.” They will step out in faith when they are equipped with the Word of God.
Bible Verses Referenced

Get a cup of coffee, take about ten minutes to recharge your batteries, and equip your mind so you can raise warriors for Christ that will stand firm in the face of evil! Occasionally, we will be giving away free books – so stay tuned! My team and I are here to serve you all for the glory of our Lord!