How Can We Raise Teens to Be Disciples for Christ & Share His Message to Others?

How Can We Raise Teens to Be Disciples for Christ & Share His Message to Others?

How Can We Raise Teens to Be Disciples for Christ & Share His Message to Others? 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

Teenagers have a huge influence on each other. Let’s equip them to be disciples for Christ!


During this episode, Lee Ann reflects on her own teenage years and the influence that friends had on her decision-making. She shares insights on how to raise teenagers to be the best disciples for Christ and equip them to share His message with others.

She also elaborates on five key points to help parents and guardians guide their teens in becoming counter-culture warriors and strong Christian ambassadors:

  • Cultivating a home environment rooted in faith: Lee Ann stresses the importance of fostering a heavenly atmosphere within the home through prayer, worship, and engagement with Christian materials.
  • Emphasizing honor and serving others: Encouraging teens to honor their parents and others, thus learning the value of serving God and honoring those in authority.
  • Choosing friends wisely and extending unconditional love: Assisting teens in making wise choices in friendships and demonstrating unconditional love, even towards those who may be challenging to love.
  • Initiating conversations about God: Helping teens engage in meaningful conversations about faith and providing them with resources to navigate discussions with their peers.
  • Role-playing and preparation: Supporting teens by role-playing scenarios they may encounter and preparing them to address challenging situations with love and wisdom.

In a world where the secular culture often challenges Christian values, it’s crucial for us to equip and support our teens in becoming counter-culture warriors, sharing God’s love and truth with their peers.

The article mentioned: “10 Social Issues and Problems That Trouble Today’s Teens” by Charissa Chamorro with CSW.

“How often do you pray at home, study the word of God, listen to worship music, prepare to serve others, read Christian materials, or watch Christian movies? Do you have a family mission statement or a disciplinary contract? Do you, as a family, discuss how you will serve others and the community? Is your family active in church? All of that is so, so important!” – Lee Ann Mancini.

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