Love Letters

Love Letters

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Guest Blogger Michelle Medlock Adams is the best-selling author of more than 100 books, including Dinosaur Devotions, The Christmas Devotional and Dachshund Through the Snow. She is also a New York Times best-selling ghostwriter and has won more than 80 industry awards, including an ECPA Gold Medallion for Our God is Bigger Than That! Michelle is married to her high school sweetheart, Jeff, and they have two married daughters, six adorable grandchildren, and three spoiled miniature dachshunds.

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It seems the moment Christmas was over, all of the Valentine’s Day decorations and gifts blanketed the stores with red and pink promotions. I heard some folks complaining about the early onslaught of hearts, but I didn’t mind so much. You see, I’ve always loved Valentine’s Day because anytime I can celebrate the people in my life I adore, I’m all in! But, you know what? We don’t have to wait until a special holiday to send a card jam-packed with mushy sentiments to those friends and family we treasure. We can do that any day, and we should.

A few years ago when my husband left on a five-day fishing trip with his best friend, I awoke to five different cards labeled, “Day 1, Day 2” and so on. I immediately called Jeff to inquire about the collection of cards, and he explained that he had written a card for every day he’d be gone because he knew I’d be missing him as much as he would be missing me. (Did I just hear a collective “aww”?) Seriously, that was the sweetest gesture ever! I loved each and every card. In fact, I still re-read them from time to time, as I keep them in my Bible. Why? Because they were filled with precious words, sweet memories, and heartfelt confessions from my one true love.

When you think about it, it’s quite appropriate that I keep those cards of love inside my Bible because the Bible is full of love letters written especially for us. God has filled His Word with precious promises, words of hope, words of wisdom, and the answers to any question we’ll ever have. Verses such as: “I have loved you with an everlasting love…” (Jeremiah 31:3, NASB) and “See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are!” (First John 3:1, NLT) are just like hugs from heaven.

So, here’s what I challenge you to do this week. Make time to read the Word of God every single day and meditate on God’s personal love letters to you. Let His love fill you up until it’s spilling over.

Next, write letters to the loved ones in your life. They don’t have to be super long or elaborately decorated. They simply have to be heartfelt and handwritten. Let’s not wait for a holiday to tell our family and friends how much we love them.

Pray this with me: Father, thank You for Your Word, and thank You for loving me with an everlasting love. Help me to be an encouragement to my family through my words—both spoken and written. I love You, God. In the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.”

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“Love” books by Michelle Medlock Adams 

    • “Love Connects Us All”
    • “I Love You Bigger Than the Sky”
    • “I Love You to the Sun & Beyond”
    • “I Love You to Heaven and Back”
    • “How Much Does God Love You?” 


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