
Fun & Easy Books that Teach Kids About God and the Bible Using the Alphabet

Fun & Easy Books that Teach Kids About God and the Bible Using the Alphabet 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

If your kids want to listen to rap music, why not encourage them to listen to rap music about God? Timothy Brindle and Jonathan Gibson, together, are passionate about teaching kids about…

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9 Points That Can Help Empower Parents to Raise Children to Have Resilience

9 Points That Can Help Empower Parents to Raise Children to Have Resilience 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

“Sweat more in the training so you will bleed less on the battlefield.” -Greg Koukl As human beings, we are designed to be resilient. There are ways to teach children how to…

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Interactive Resources to Assist Parents in Raising Kids with a Thriving Faith

Interactive Resources to Assist Parents in Raising Kids with a Thriving Faith 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

“Children have to make their faith their own. They have to get to that point where they can defend the Bible and defend their own faith, not their parent’s faith.”-Jesse Florea. Jesse…

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Are There Times That You Turn into the Incredible Hulk When Disciplining Your Child?

Are There Times That You Turn into the Incredible Hulk When Disciplining Your Child? 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

As I’m sure you know, we, as human beings, don’t always respond correctly when our patience is being tested. Even if we try and be gentle parents, we sometimes lose control and yell…

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Near-Death Experience Research Proving the Existence of God & An Afterlife

Near-Death Experience Research Proving the Existence of God & An Afterlife 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

“We have at this point way over 300 near-death experiences that describe an awareness or a detailed encounter with God.” -Jeffrey Long Jeffrey Long, M.D., is a radiation oncology physician who, over…

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Why Teaching Children to Pray Intentionally is One of the Most Important Tasks Parents Have

Why Teaching Children to Pray Intentionally is One of the Most Important Tasks Parents Have 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

If we approach prayer intentionally with excitement and reverence, our children can learn to do the same! Teaching our children to pray often can help to prepare them for what they will…

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10+ Simple Tips to Help You When Teaching Your Children How to Pray

10+ Simple Tips to Help You When Teaching Your Children How to Pray 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

US News stated that fewer than half of American adults pray daily. And research says that only 69% of Christians pray weekly… Our top priority should be that our children learn how…

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6 Signs Our Children May Need Physical and Spiritual Rest

6 Signs Our Children May Need Physical and Spiritual Rest 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”  -Matthew 11:28. Rest – precisely what we need, especially after the crazy busy Holiday season. Physical rest…

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New Year, New You: Self-care Is the First Step to Good Childcare

New Year, New You: Self-care Is the First Step to Good Childcare 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

“How we live today determines how we will live tomorrow. What has to last, has to come first.” -Hal Runkel. Happy New Year, RCK community! Going into this new year, we should…

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4 Key Points to Help You Envision Your Children’s Future

4 Key Points to Help You Envision Your Children’s Future 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

A huge step in being successful in business is to envision. So, why not use this tool in parenting? When you envision what can and will be, it helps you create an…

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What Can We Do to Help Our Children Cope with Mental Health Issues?

What Can We Do to Help Our Children Cope with Mental Health Issues? 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

“God is close to the broken-hearted; he is a suffering savior who has been through the worst of it, and he understands what you are going through and is with you!” -Tina…

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Why Homeschooling is the Most Viable Choice for Struggling Learners

Why Homeschooling is the Most Viable Choice for Struggling Learners 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

“If you can get the support and if you can get the resources, homeschooling is actually the best choice for struggling learners because it can be uniquely catered to them.” -Peggy Ployhar.…

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