
What Can We and Our Children Do to Have a Meaningful Prayer Life

What Can We and Our Children Do to Have a Meaningful Prayer Life?

What Can We and Our Children Do to Have a Meaningful Prayer Life? 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

“Listening to God speak to us through his holy spirit will help us to have a robust prayer life, where we learn how to be in conversation with the Lord.” – Lee…

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co-founder of Teach Them Diligently Shares Her Unique Perspective on Homeschooling Parenting Leslie Nunnery

Co-founder of Teach Them Diligently Shares Her Unique Perspective on Homeschooling & Parenting

Co-founder of Teach Them Diligently Shares Her Unique Perspective on Homeschooling & Parenting 1200 628 Lena Mancini

“Most people’s biggest problem with homeschooling is they don’t really believe that they’re good parents. And that’s why the subtitle became How Amazing Parents Become Excellent Home Educators because you are an…

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Embrace the Calling Blessing Honor of Parenting by Taking Parenting Classes

Embrace the Calling, Blessing, and Honor of Parenting by Taking Parenting Classes

Embrace the Calling, Blessing, and Honor of Parenting by Taking Parenting Classes 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

Why should you be taking a parenting class?   During this episode, host Lee Ann Mancini dives into the importance of parenting classes and the profound impact of raising children in the…

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Understanding Your Child’s Natural Approach to Prayer with Janet McHenry

Understanding Your Child’s Natural Approach to Prayer with Janet McHenry 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

“The peace that prayer brings is that it’s really less about answers and it’s more about access. The fact that we have this privilege of being able to go to God. And…

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Arlene Pellicane Shares Tools to Confront the Issues of Technology when Disciplining

Arlene Pellicane Shares Tools to Confront the Issues of Technology When Disciplining

Arlene Pellicane Shares Tools to Confront the Issues of Technology When Disciplining 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

“When we look at our actual homes, really the question to ask is, ‘How is screen time affecting my home – does technology bring my family closer together?’” – Arlene Pellicane.  …

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7 Helpful Reminders for Parents Who Are Setting Guidelines When Disciplining

7 Helpful Reminders for Parents Who Are Setting Guidelines When Disciplining

7 Helpful Reminders for Parents Who Are Setting Guidelines When Disciplining 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

If we are not responsible for our children’s actions and behaviors, then who is?   Raising Christian Kids has decided to re-release our disciplining series, which was originally released in March of…

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Dr. Scott Turansky How Can Firmness Consistency Help Parents Discipline More Effectively

Dr. Scott Turansky- How Can Firmness & Consistency Help Parents Discipline More Effectively?

Dr. Scott Turansky- How Can Firmness & Consistency Help Parents Discipline More Effectively? 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

“It’s never too late. God changes people at any age; he changes little children, he changes, elementary-aged children, he changes teenagers, he even changes adults; so, we’re really grateful that God’s grace…

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Dr. Scott Turansky Shares 3 Teachings to Help Children Have Heart-based Obedience

Dr. Scott Turansky Shares 3 Teachings to Help Children Have Heart-based Obedience

Dr. Scott Turansky Shares 3 Teachings to Help Children Have Heart-based Obedience 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

“Understanding the action point is a crucial idea that will help parents be more powerful and significant when working with their children.” -Dr. Scott Turansky.   Raising Christian Kids has decided to…

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Emotional Safety and Connection - 2 Ways Jesus Can Help Us Discipline Our Children Sarah R. Moore

Emotional Safety & Connection- 2 Ways Jesus Can Help Us Discipline Our Children

Emotional Safety & Connection- 2 Ways Jesus Can Help Us Discipline Our Children 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

“We do not need to be ‘punishing’ our children because Christ already took the punishment.” – Sarah R. Moore   Raising Christian Kids has decided to re-release our disciplining series, which was…

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Dr. Kathy Koch Shares Productive Disciplining Techniques for Strong-willed Children

Dr. Kathy Koch Shares Productive Disciplining Techniques for Strong-willed Children

Dr. Kathy Koch Shares Productive Disciplining Techniques for Strong-willed Children 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

“Another issue with disciplining today is that way too many people think of it as punishment; discipline is training for righteousness; discipline is walking with!” -Kathy Koch.   Raising Christian Kids has…

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What are the true meanings of the words discipline, child, and rod in proverbs Angela Harders

What Are the True Meanings of the Words Discipline, Child, & Rod in Proverbs?

What Are the True Meanings of the Words Discipline, Child, & Rod in Proverbs? 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

“If we want to understand what biblical discipline truly looks like, we need to look at Jesus, and we need to see how Jesus disciplined his disciples.” -Angela Harders.   Raising Christian…

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To Spank or Not to Spank - Does the Bible Support Physical Punishment on Children Angela Harper's

To Spank or Not to Spank – Does the Bible Support Physical Punishment on Children?

To Spank or Not to Spank – Does the Bible Support Physical Punishment on Children? 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

“We need to remember that when we see the word discipline in the Bible, it does not mean punishment; that word means to verbally teach or instruct; it does not mean physical…

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