
Ginger Hubbard’s 3-Step Plan to Help Tame Your Child’s Tongue (Part 1)

Ginger Hubbard’s 3-Step Plan to Help Tame Your Child’s Tongue (Part 1) 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

“We live in a nation that defies God at every point, including child training.” -Ginger Hubbard. Ginger Hubbard is a bestselling author of multiple books, the co-host of the Parenting with Ginger…

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How Brain Waves Can Affect Your Child’s Ability to Listen to You

How Brain Waves Can Affect Your Child’s Ability to Listen to You 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

Did you know that you can cause damage to your children if you are hyper-critical during certain stages of development? As parents, it is crucial to help our children reflect and learn…

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Cheryl Chumley: How & Why Christians Should Get More Involved in Public Schools

Cheryl Chumley: How & Why Christians Should Get More Involved in Public Schools 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

“Today’s school systems are not like the ones that we grew up on. And you have to notice that and take action accordingly for your children.” -Cheryl Chumley Cheryl Chumley is an…

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52 Engaging Ways to Pray as A Family & Resources to Help Build Bible Literacy in Your Child

52 Engaging Ways to Pray as A Family & Resources to Help Build Bible Literacy in Your Child 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

Karen Whiting is an author of more than 30 books, a former television host, an AWSA certified coach, an international speaker, a mother of 5, and a grandmother. Her daughter, Rebecca White,…

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20+ Ways You May Be Provoking Your Child & the Harmful Effects of This Behavior

20+ Ways You May Be Provoking Your Child & the Harmful Effects of This Behavior 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

The Bible warns us in Ephesians 6:4, “Do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the lord. There are many ways you may be provoking…

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How Can We As Christians Improve & Restore Our Relationship with Our Mother?

How Can We As Christians Improve & Restore Our Relationship with Our Mother? 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

Let’s create a legacy of love with our mothers by giving encouragement, using words of affirmation, and taking the initiative! Blythe Daniel is a literary agent, marketer, and the President of the…

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What Are Sins of Omission? 10 Examples to Help Explain Them to Your Children!

What Are Sins of Omission? 10 Examples to Help Explain Them to Your Children! 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

Does your child know the difference between sins of commission and sins of omission? A sin of commission is when someone of higher authority tells you to do something, and you do…

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Using a Psychological Model to Overcome a Stagnation of Faith & Develop Spiritual Wellbeing

Using a Psychological Model to Overcome a Stagnation of Faith & Develop Spiritual Wellbeing 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

Let’s cultivate a path to be intentional and mindful to help our children gain spiritual awareness! Dr. Katherine Pang (Ph.D.) is the founder and CEO of the Christian Life Institute and serves as…

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How Can Sportscasting Help Your Child Become Better Problem Solvers & Critical Thinkers?

How Can Sportscasting Help Your Child Become Better Problem Solvers & Critical Thinkers? 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

Sportscasting is a tactic that gives children an opportunity to become better problem solvers! Sportscasting happens when we take a back seat to a problem instead of participating in fixing it. When…

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Encouraging Little Ones to Connect with God Through Praise Songs & Bible Stories

Encouraging Little Ones to Connect with God Through Praise Songs & Bible Stories 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

Jean Thomason is a musical performer, worship leader, author, and conference speaker. She is the living embodiment of the joyful children’s musical character, “Miss PattyCake.” Through this brightly costumed character, she plants biblical truths…

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Ways to Help Children Turn Their Fear into Faith Regarding Demons & Ghosts

Ways to Help Children Turn Their Fear into Faith Regarding Demons & Ghosts 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

Do you have a child that is fearful of ghosts, demons, or angels? When children fully understand that the devil and his demons have no power over us because we have Jesus…

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Tips on How to Manage & Build A Trusting Relationship with A Strong-willed Child

Tips on How to Manage & Build A Trusting Relationship with A Strong-willed Child 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

Do you need help understanding and managing your strong-willed child better? Kirk Martin is the founder of Celebrate Calm and the host of the Calm Parenting Podcast. He is known for his…

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