
Looking for a new book to help teach your child about the gospel with Jared Kennedy

Looking For a New Book to Help Teach Your Child About the Gospel? W/ Jared Kennedy

Looking For a New Book to Help Teach Your Child About the Gospel? W/ Jared Kennedy 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

“When we teach them the basic narratives of what the Bible says, we are forming their worldview at the very youngest age and giving them a set of glasses through which they…

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MOPS international equipping empowering moms of all ages w/ Jesus at the front

MOPS International: Equipping & Empowering Moms of All Ages w/ Jesus at the Front

MOPS International: Equipping & Empowering Moms of All Ages w/ Jesus at the Front 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

“MOPS has done a really good job in making women and mothers the best leaders and the best volunteers for their community. So, I will say community with peer-to-peer connection, spiritual growth,…

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mental health coach Michelle Nietert Emotional Awareness Calming Techniques

Mental Health Coach Michelle Nietert: Emotional Awareness & Calming Techniques

Mental Health Coach Michelle Nietert: Emotional Awareness & Calming Techniques 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

“I really want, when my children are failing, to know that it’s not about me and my anger, but it is about them and their need for growth. And I do believe…

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Michelle Nietert Mental Health Understanding and Addressing Children's Big Emotions

Michelle Nietert & Mental Health: Understanding and Addressing Children’s Big Emotions

Michelle Nietert & Mental Health: Understanding and Addressing Children’s Big Emotions 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

“It only takes about 90 seconds to acknowledge a feeling, where you feel it in your body, and then do a technique to release it.” – Michelle Nietert. Licensed Professional Counselor of…

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Marty Machowski Are You Looking for New Resources to Help Your Children Feel Safe Loved at Night

Are You Looking for New Resources to Help Your Children Feel Safe & Loved At Night?

Are You Looking for New Resources to Help Your Children Feel Safe & Loved At Night? 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

“The Bible says a lot about angels, and I wanted to communicate that to kids in such a way that they would be drawn to God’s protecting power and not be afraid.”…

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MOMents with Lori and Lee Ann Wisdom Lessons We Can Take Away From Parents in the Bible

MOMents with Lori & Lee Ann – Wisdom & Lessons We Can Take Away from Parents in the Bible

MOMents with Lori & Lee Ann – Wisdom & Lessons We Can Take Away from Parents in the Bible 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

 “Even in our imperfection, God uses us to teach and guide our children.” -Lori Wildenberg. Once a month, Lori and Lee Ann will discuss complex topics regarding parenting and disciplining. Lori Wildenberg…

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Andrew York Child Evangelism Fellowship Reaching Every Child Every Nation Every Day

Andrew York on Child Evangelism Fellowship: Reaching Every Child, Every Nation, Every Day

Andrew York on Child Evangelism Fellowship: Reaching Every Child, Every Nation, Every Day 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

Are you looking for an organization that can help teach your child about God? Or, perhaps, learn more about God yourself? Andrew York grew up in a Bible-believing home and, at a…

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Linda Evans Shepherd Parenting with faith the prayerful parent

Parenting with Faith: The Prayerful Parent with Linda Evans Shepherd

Parenting with Faith: The Prayerful Parent with Linda Evans Shepherd 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

“If you get caught sitting around tormenting yourself about how I could’ve done it better. I could be better. I’m doing it wrong. I feel guilty. Then you are not in the…

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Courtney Devich Conquering Anxiety Empowering Moms to Find Joy and Peace in Motherhood

Conquering Anxiety: Empowering Moms to Find Joy and Peace in Motherhood

Conquering Anxiety: Empowering Moms to Find Joy and Peace in Motherhood 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

“I believe anxiety is, obviously, a physical response that all of our bodies are capable of whether we have an anxiety disorder or not; it is a God-given gift in the sense…

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Dr. Tara Sander Lee Shares advice on teaching children about reproduction

Dr. Tara Sander Lee Shares Advice on Teaching Children About Reproduction

Dr. Tara Sander Lee Shares Advice on Teaching Children About Reproduction 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

When is it appropriate to teach children about reproduction and prenatal development? Tara Sander Lee, PhD, is Vice President and Director of Life Sciences at the Charlotte Lozier Institute. She is a…

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strategies for motivating your child to make a plan and follow through planning

Strategies for Motivating Your Child to Make a Plan and Follow Through

Strategies for Motivating Your Child to Make a Plan and Follow Through 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

God states in Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord…” Whether in our personal or professional lives, having a well-thought-out plan allows us to focus…

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Digging Deeper with Rhonda Michelle and Lee Ann Improving Family Faith Dynamics

Digging Deeper with Rhonda, Michelle, and Lee Ann- Improving Family Faith Dynamics

Digging Deeper with Rhonda, Michelle, and Lee Ann- Improving Family Faith Dynamics 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

“Having a godly marriage, which is loving with Christ’s agape love, that selfless love, is the light of the gospel in your home.” -Rhonda Stoppe. Three women of Christ on a mission,…

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