
Jill Garner how can parents raise respectful children in an increasingly disrespectful world

How Can Parents Raise Respectful Children in an Increasingly Disrespectful World?

How Can Parents Raise Respectful Children in an Increasingly Disrespectful World? 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

“If every rule you have with a child is nonnegotiable, you’re going to set up a rebellion because you’re raising your child in a prison, not in a home. But if everything…

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Patti Garibay A christ-centered character and leadership program for girls

A Christ-centered Character and Leadership Development Program for Girls

A Christ-centered Character and Leadership Development Program for Girls 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

“We’re also hearing back from those moms who now put their daughters in American heritage Girls and are thrilled that we have stayed the course, that we have maintained our Christ-centered focus…

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Dr. George Barna unveiling the forces that shape child's worldview

Dr. George Barna- Unveiling the Forces that Shape a Child’s Worldview

Dr. George Barna- Unveiling the Forces that Shape a Child’s Worldview 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

“For churches to be putting most of their ministry resources into reaching an adult is bad stewardship. It’s not going to have much impact. If you want to transform lives and you…

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Dr. George Barna troubling statistics today

Dr. George Barna Sheds Light on the Troubling Statistics of Today’s World

Dr. George Barna Sheds Light on the Troubling Statistics of Today’s World 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

“The fact that less than 1% of adolescents and 1% of teenagers have a biblical worldview. I mean, you can’t get much lower than that. So, we’ve abjectly failed in terms of…

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Sissy Goff overcoming anxiety replacing it with confidence to raise worry free kids

Overcoming Anxiety & Replacing it With Confidence to Raise Worry-Free Kids

Overcoming Anxiety & Replacing it With Confidence to Raise Worry-Free Kids 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

“Stop being so hard on yourself; that is not helpful for any parent ever. Replace those harder thoughts with gentler, kinder thoughts, and remember God loves us and believes in us in…

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digging deeper Rhonda Michelle lee ann helping children feel safe at school

Digging Deeper w/ Rhonda, Michelle, and Lee Ann: Helping Children Feel Safe at School

Digging Deeper w/ Rhonda, Michelle, and Lee Ann: Helping Children Feel Safe at School 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

“What I try to encourage parents and grandparents to do, is to teach their kids and their grandkids how to connect with Jesus when they’re scared and how to invite him into…

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Lori Wildenberg MOMents helping kids adjust to a new house or school

MOMents with Lori & Lee Ann: Helping Kids Adjust to a New House or New School

MOMents with Lori & Lee Ann: Helping Kids Adjust to a New House or New School 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

Once a month, Lori and Lee Ann will discuss complex topics regarding parenting and disciplining to help families have peace in the home and build lifetime connections! Lori Wildenberg is a national…

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lori Wildenberg moments with Lori & Lee Ann defining truth navigate gender confusion

MOMents With Lori & Lee Ann- Defining the Truth to Help Kids Navigate Gender Confusion in Today’s Culture

MOMents With Lori & Lee Ann- Defining the Truth to Help Kids Navigate Gender Confusion in Today’s Culture 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

Once a month, Lori and Lee Ann will discuss complex topics regarding parenting and disciplining to help families have peace in the home and work together to build lifetime connections! Lori Wildenberg…

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Lori & Lee Ann Child low self-esteem issues

MOMents with Lori & Lee Ann: How Do I Know If My Child Has Low Self-esteem Issues?

MOMents with Lori & Lee Ann: How Do I Know If My Child Has Low Self-esteem Issues? 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

Once a month, Lori and Lee Ann will discuss complex topics regarding parenting and disciplining to help families have peace in the home and work together to build lifetime connections! Lori Wildenberg…

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Lori Wildenberg podcast - child a troublemaker or just high energy

MOMents With Lori & Lee Ann: Is Your Child a Troublemaker or Are They Just High Energy?

MOMents With Lori & Lee Ann: Is Your Child a Troublemaker or Are They Just High Energy? 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

Once a month, Lori and Lee Ann will discuss complex topics regarding parenting and disciplining to help families have peace in the home and work together to build lifetime connections! Lori Wildenberg…

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MOMents With Lori & Lee Ann: Steps to Resolve Sibling Conflict & Stop the Bullying!

MOMents With Lori & Lee Ann: Steps to Resolve Sibling Conflict & Stop the Bullying! 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

“I think it’s very important not to play referee but be the coach and help them work through the issues.” -Lori Wildenberg Once a month, Lori and Lee Ann will discuss complex…

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