Teaching Children to Become Critical Thinkers

Teaching Children to Become Critical Thinkers

Teaching Children to Become Critical Thinkers Lee Ann Mancini

Children should receive a platonic education, which would allow them to become critical thinkers!

Our children will be the future leaders in our government. It goes without saying that our government needs more Christian leaders and lawmakers who will stand up against what is spiritually, socially, politically, and economically wrong with our country.

Christian education is a tool for knowledge of what is true, just, and good. It is vitally important not only for personal salvation but also for adhering to the command to make disciples.

Aristotle wrote that to be an effective speaker or teacher, one needs to incorporate ethos (ethics), pathos (emotion), and logos (logic). These three things will connect the heart, emotion, and intellect.

Remember to be careful of who teaches your child and what is being taught. It is important to speak to your children’s teachers or camp counselors and understand their views regarding Christianity.

God’s word warns that a disobedient parent who fails to train her child in the ways of the Lord may leave an inheritance of punishable wrath instead of lifesaving wisdom. Constantly telling your children to be more like Jesus could cause them to resent Jesus because they may find they cannot be as perfect as he is. As they grow to love him, they will want to be more like him naturally.

Books Referenced:
  • The Spiritual Life of Children, by Robert Coles
  • Teaching to Change Lives: Seven Proven Ways to Make Your Teaching Come Alive, by Dr. Howard Hendricks
  • Talking with Your Kids About God: 30 Conversations Every Christian Parent Must Have, by Natasha Crain
Bible Verses Referenced:
Online Articles Referenced:

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