The Bride of Christ

The Bride of Christ

The Bride of Christ 768 531 Lee Ann Mancini

lee ann mancini bride of christBesides teaching as an Adjunct Professor at South Florida Bible College and Theological Seminary, Lee Ann speaks to groups of all types and sizes. She has been sharing her biblical knowledge, author’s insights, and passion for Jesus with children and adults alike for over twenty years. She speaks at colleges, women’s retreats, church groups, schools and classrooms, conferences, and conventions. She has been a guest on numerous media outlets including radio and television.

The true meaning of “The Bride of Christ” is a life-changing message!

Lee Ann speaks to women’s groups regarding the redemptive power of the gospel represented through the types of brides of the church.“The “Bride of Christ” is a term used often.  However, does one truly understand the full meaning and application? The Bible is a love story. It starts with a wedding and ends with a wedding. It is Father God seeking a perfectly yoked bride for His Son, Jesus. God wants to give His Son the perfect gift that is equal to the love He has for His Son and that perfect gift is the Bride transformed and made ready.  That bride is you!

Moses dedicates 67 verses to the account of the love story between Isaac and Rebecca. Twice as much as he dedicates to the creation of the world! Why, because the Bible is not just a story about sin and salvation. It is a beautiful eternal love story of redemption. Christ is the heavenly husband who loves with the perfect agape love, a love that made the heavens and the earth!  When one realizes who they are in Christ, they are never the same.

Matthew 13:44 states, “The kingdom of heaven is like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son.” The whole divine plan is your wedding to Jesus Christ! “I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he as called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance,” Ephesians 1:18-19.”The Bride of Christ lecture is always well-received. Here a just a few comments:

“Just a life-changing lecture! I loved it and I cannot wait to teach my daughter, and my Bible group all I learned today!”

Yesterday was amazing, just amazing! I could not turn off thoughts about it all night.”

“I could never understand being washed in the water and the blood so loved your explanation of Eve coming from Adam’s side and how it relates to the Bride of Christ, to us, being given life from Jesus’ side through the blood and water from His wound.”

“Single moms cried at hearing and understanding how dearly they are loved…these ladies felt discarded and worthless, and you made them realize they are treasured.”

“Her visuals were just amazing! I kept taking pictures on my phone!”