The Importance of Transforming Children’s Curiosity into Motivation

The Importance of Transforming Children’s Curiosity into Motivation

The Importance of Transforming Children’s Curiosity into Motivation Lee Ann Mancini

The curiosity of children greatly influences their desire to learn and engage!

Children are naturally curious because they are learning through every experience.

Children with high levels of curiosity are motivated to learn or accomplish something new for the reward of having mastered it. Science calls this hunger to learn and mastery motivation. It can drive young people to achieve new things without the need for external rewards.

Lee Ann expounds on these tips on how you can help transform curiosity into motivation for learning:

  • Create an environment that creates curiosity.
  • Connect children’s curiosity of God’s world, motivating them to explore more.
  • Help your child become the detective for the day.
  • Sit down and write a list of what they are curious about.

It would be best if you did not ignore your children’s inquiries; you may be stunting their desire to learn. Try not to be too busy to answer their questions and allow their curiosity to motivate them to learn and grow. As their curiosity motivates them to search for answers, teach them to be aware of the false resources and information on the internet.

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