How We Can Energize Our Families in Faith

How We Can Energize Our Families in Faith

How We Can Energize Our Families in Faith Lee Ann Mancini

Do you want to energize your family’s faith?

You can energize your family with greater faith. Yes, it’s possible to make faith fun and energizing in your family!

If you struggle to be inspired in your faith, we have encouragement for you. With God’s help, it’s possible to have more energetic faith yourself, then model it to your children.

How We Can Energize Our Families in Faith

There are several ways to reenergize your family in faith. You can customize these to your family’s personality, likings and children’s ages. Cover this in prayer, asking God to help you. Get creative and have fun too!

1. Make praise a regular practice.

Praising God for his attributes is a great way to energize your faith. No matter what is going on in your life, good or bad, God can always be praised. Yet it takes practice to make praise a regular practice, and you can lead the way as a parent.

Start your day by praising God. A great place for inspiration is the book of Psalms. Many Psalms are prayers of praise, and you can simply pray along with them. This uplifting practice will help reorient your views toward the positive and energize your faith.

Inspire your children to praise God daily as well. Ask them, “What can we praise God for today?” Study his attributes together by reading the Bible with your child and asking, “What makes our God unique?” Then praise him for the attributes your child points out. Through this collaboration, your child will learn to praise God too.

2. Get your bodies moving.

Our bodies are created for God’s glory. We can move them in dancing and praise to energize our faith. Most children love dancing for fun. Put on some upbeat praise music and dance along with your kids. Sing the songs and have a great time together. Your child will love seeing you move to the beat and enjoy joining you. It’s a great way to shake off the blues and reenergize your family’s faith.

3. Inspire each person to share, no matter their age.

Everyone in your family needs to participate in praising God. Don’t think that little children can’t join in. Even babies can shake toys to a rhythm of a song. Make sure each family member feels invited, included and welcome to praise God.

Children can lead the family prayers at mealtime and bedtime. Let them see and hear you praying, but also let them take the lead from time to time. Switching these roles around will provide a balanced energy in your family that will inspire everyone’s faith.

Energizing Our Families in Faith

Psalm 6:5 NLT reads, “For the dead do not remember you. Who can praise you from the grave?” While we are living and breathing, let’s show the Lord we have the energy and faith to praise him. Let’s model an attitude and position of praise in front of our children. It will be a fun, memorable practice that will stick with your children for decades to come.

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