Homeschooling? Important Tips & Resources You Need to Know

Homeschooling? Important Tips & Resources You Need to Know

Homeschooling? Important Tips & Resources You Need to Know 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

Homeschooling children can be rewarding.

According to the Census Bureau’s Household Survey, homeschool rates increased because of COVID-19. To keep children engaged in schooling during the pandemic, we created 20+ free resources. Download them here!

Some parents may be hesitant to teach their children at home. It can seem scary, but we’re here to help you! So, how do you start your homeschool journey?

First, Join Associations.

Google! First, start with the Homeschool Legal Defense website.  They will help you find:

  1. National/state/local organizations
  2. Overseas military support groups
  3. Homeschool networks/resources/national vendors

When you join, ask them about any conventions they may host.

Second, Attend Conventions.

Google! In addition to providing a venue to purchase homeschool curriculum/products, they also schedule various speakers who will help guide you. Here is a list of homeschool conventions we have attended/plan to attend:

  1. Florida Parenting Educators Association
  2. Teach Them Diligently
  3. Southeast Homeschool Expo
  4. Legacy Grandparenting Summit

You can find a list of other organizations here.

Third, GOOGLE!

Research conventions in your area, state, or region, because you will find a plethora of information! Find organizations that align with your family’s values. While on their websites, you can usually find their mission on their homepage, about us page, or contact pages. Finally, most conferences will list their exhibitors on their websites. This is another great way to find resources.

Our Experience with Florida Parent Educators Association (FPEA)

FPEA hosts a convention that provides families with hundreds of resources. Here are a few vendors we have met:

  1. Word of Life
  2. Princess Parables
  3. Nest Learning
  4. Anna’s Friends
  5. …and, of course, Sea Kids!

Want more? Listen to our Homeschool Tips podcast episode here!

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