How Can You Keep Your Child Safe From Pornography?

How Can You Keep Your Child Safe From Pornography?

How Can You Keep Your Child Safe From Pornography? Lee Ann Mancini

Did you know that over 25 million images are reviewed by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children annually?

Unfortunately, they say it is around seven years of age to talk to your child about pornography. Here are some guidelines:

  • Pictures of private parts – private parts are parts that are covered by a bathing suit – are considered pornographic. Therefore, they should never let anyone take a picture of them naked.
  • Looking at pornographic pictures can be dangerous – it could be an image they don’t understand fully but make them feel sick to their stomach because they know it is not right.
  • A picture may come up on their computer or tablet, and they should tell you immediately.
  • If someone tries to show them a picture of anyone naked, it is a pornographic picture, and they should tell you immediately.
  • Make sure they understand that their naked baby pictures are acceptable pictures and not pornographic. You may have to explain the basics of sex between a husband and a wife and that pornographic pictures are sexual pictures that are not acceptable to view.

When children are exposed to atrocious media in any form, they may feel it is their fault and may be afraid to speak with you in fear of retribution. Instead, have an open, judgment-free conversation about what they viewed. Reassure them that you love them and that they are more important to you than anything in the whole wide world!

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