Our Favorite Christian Children’s Streaming Services

Our Favorite Christian Children’s Streaming Services

Our Favorite Christian Children’s Streaming Services 1200 628 Lee Ann Mancini

If you are like most parents and grandparents who watch entertaining or educational videos online, then you’re probably accustomed to using YouTube. More than likely, so are your children. According to The Journal, a website that claims to be “transforming education through technology,” 73% of teachers say their students now use mobile phones to learn.[1]

It is important that we monitor the websites our children are viewing. Here are streaming services we recommend:

YouTube – With Limits!

Many children access YouTube on their phones when they want to learn how to perform a task on their computer or use a new smartphone application they’ve just downloaded. Others use YouTube to view educational videos on a wide variety of topics, such as geography, zoology, science, math, etc.…. Provided there is proper supervision. YouTube can be a great educational resource for children.

We offer a free Sea Kids episode, Unique Gifts, where children learn the importance of working together. In addition, you can download the free lesson plan within the YouTube description to reinforce the biblical principles.


GodTube defines itself as “a sharing platform offering online Christian videos with faith-based, family-friendly content.”[2] I have personally perused their offerings and was quite impressed by them! They have a wide array of entertaining, educational, and also faith-based videos that you and your child are sure to enjoy. If you haven’t already, I’d highly recommend checking out some of their content.

Christian Streaming Services


Get equipped to defend the gospel of Jesus Christ and the truth of God’s Word with live and on-demand video content from Answers in Genesis, the Ark Encounter, Creation Museum, and other Ministries worldwide. Sea Kids is now featured on this website!

Pure Flix

Amazing Christian children’s and family content. They offer:

  1. Bibleman
  2. Owlegories
  3. Penguins!
  4. …and of course, Sea Kids!

Popular for young children because they handpick their content – and they keep it wholesome and God-centered.

  1. Veggie Tales
  2. Superbook
  3. Paws and Tales
  4. Sea Kids

As best as possible, part of our job is to make sure we approve and filter everything they view online.

Colossians 3:2 instructs us, “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” Encourage and teach your children to watch only the videos online that are edifying and godly. Proverbs 15:21 admonishes us, “Folly is joy to him who lacks sense, but a man of understanding walks straight.”

If you are looking for less screen time activities for children, we offer over 20 free resources you can download to your computer for you to print!


[1] Thejournal.com.

[2] Godtube.com

[3] Relevantchildrensministry.com


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