
Are You A Proactive or Reactive Parent?

Are You A Proactive or Reactive Parent? Lee Ann Mancini

You are helping your child become independent by teaching them how to solve problems on their own. Being proactive in your decision-making as a parent means thinking about what you will do…

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Interview with Lisa Nau – Insights From A Parenting Coach

Interview with Lisa Nau – Insights From A Parenting Coach Lee Ann Mancini

Parents need ideas that utilize biblical principles and prayer and are relevant to today’s society! Lisa Nau is a biblical parenting coach through the National Center for Biblical Parenting and is passionate…

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Interview with Sara Broyhill Anderson – Articulating the Truth to Little Ones

Interview with Sara Broyhill Anderson – Articulating the Truth to Little Ones Lee Ann Mancini

“Truth will prevail. Our job is to respectfully yet unwaveringly articulate Truth in a world growing in hostility and skepticism.” -Sara Broyhill Anderson. Sara Broyhill Anderson is a wife, mother, lawyer, and Christian Apologist…

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Taking Every Thought Captive

Taking Every Thought Captive Lee Ann Mancini

Experts say that we have between 60,000 and 80,000 thoughts per day and about 3000 thoughts per hour! The word captive means to take as a prisoner or to confine. Therefore, we…

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Interview with Lori Wildenberg – Connecting Your Kids to Jesus

Interview with Lori Wildenberg – Connecting Your Kids to Jesus Lee Ann Mancini

Why are our children walking away from their faith more than ever before? Author, speaker, and podcaster, Lori Wildenberg is passionate about helping parents build connections with their kids that last a…

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Godly Fathers… Are You One?

Godly Fathers… Are You One? Lee Ann Mancini

As parents, our God-given mission is to guide our children to grow in faith, wisdom, and discernment! One of the best ways to guide our children to grow in faith and wisdom…

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Interview with Kevin White – The Importance of Being an Audacious Giver

Interview with Kevin White – The Importance of Being an Audacious Giver Lee Ann Mancini

When we learn to give, we can also help our children to be audacious givers! As an author, speaker, and leader, Kevin White is passionate about sharing his knowledge on how audacious…

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Ordinary Becomes Extraordinary

Ordinary Becomes Extraordinary Lee Ann Mancini

One day you will look around your quiet, clean home and miss seeing little ones running around, hugging your leg, and giving you butterfly kisses! It’s hard being a parent. Some parents…

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Interview with Ken Ham – Solid Apologetics for Children

Interview with Ken Ham – Solid Apologetics for Children Lee Ann Mancini

Are you looking for resources for your child to defend their faith? Ken Ham is one of the top biblical apologetics speakers in North America. He is the president, CEO, and founder…

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Season 1 Recap

Season 1 Recap Lee Ann Mancini

Highlighting some of the most important episodes from season 1! EP1 – What is Preparing the Soil and Planting Seeds? Why Would You Care? What is the solution? Where do you start? The Bible…

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Helping Children Face Trauma

Helping Children Face Trauma Lee Ann Mancini

A traumatic experience can hold children back from becoming who they are meant to be. This can cause problems for those that are raising Christian kids! At some point in life, everyone has…

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Interview With Michelle Bengtson – Helping Children Combat Fear and Anxiety

Interview With Michelle Bengtson – Helping Children Combat Fear and Anxiety Lee Ann Mancini

How can helping children combat fear and anxiety help you in raising Christian kids? Dr. Bengtson is a board-certified clinical neuropsychologist, speaker, podcaster, and author. Thousands of people call Dr. Bengtson their…

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