
How Can You Keep Your Child Safe From Pornography?

How Can You Keep Your Child Safe From Pornography? Lee Ann Mancini

Did you know that over 25 million images are reviewed by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children annually? Unfortunately, they say it is around seven years of age to talk…

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What Do You Know About David and Goliath?

What Do You Know About David and Goliath? Lee Ann Mancini

Do you have a Goliath pestering you? Is there a bully agitating your child? If so, you might find this biblical story helpful. Remembering King David is to be crowned the king, we…

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What are the Best Words That Express Godly Love?

What are the Best Words That Express Godly Love? Lee Ann Mancini

How do you get your child’s attention or interest when you want to convey a Biblical message? Words are powerful- Jesus used words to convey his message, heal the sick, and cast out…

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What is the Progressive Church Teaching?

What is the Progressive Church Teaching? Lee Ann Mancini

Our children are being raised in Christian homes with a watered-down view of God’s word! Bethel Congregational United Church of Christ – sounds like a wonderful Christian church. They are, after all,…

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Will Homeschooling Become Illegal?

Will Homeschooling Become Illegal? Lee Ann Mancini

Since when is raising a child with Christian values a danger to the child and society? Elizabeth Bartholet, faculty director of the Child Advocacy Program at Harvard Law School, wants to take…

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How Can the Church Help Parents Raise Strong Christian Children?

How Can the Church Help Parents Raise Strong Christian Children? Lee Ann Mancini

Children are Christianity’s greatest resource! Why aren’t there more sermons on raising Christian children? Are we like the disciples that felt children were a nuisance? Maybe we view children through our own…

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A Christmas Message

A Christmas Message Lee Ann Mancini

What is the Best Gift You Can Give Your Child?

What is the Best Gift You Can Give Your Child? Lee Ann Mancini

Jesus said it is better to give than to receive! God gave the most precious gift of all, his one and only son. No greater gift has ever been given or received.…

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When Your Child Asks You if Miracles Are Real

When Your Child Asks You if Miracles Are Real Lee Ann Mancini

A miracle is known to be an event that cannot be explained by natural or scientific laws and is considered to be God’s work. But, a miracle is not necessarily a violation…

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Can You Have Fun With Hanukkah While Teaching an Important Lesson?

Can You Have Fun With Hanukkah While Teaching an Important Lesson? Lee Ann Mancini

Did you know that Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, can actually help parents raise Christian kids? The eight-day, 2,000-year-old holiday, also called the Festival of Lights, celebrates God’s glory, an ancient victory of…

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Teaching Your Child That Life’s Not Fair, but God is!

Teaching Your Child That Life’s Not Fair, but God is! Lee Ann Mancini

What can you do when your child questions why bad things happen to good people? It’s easier to understand why the evil guy gets his just reward in a movie, but many…

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Managing Media Madness

Managing Media Madness Lee Ann Mancini

Do you pay attention to the amount of screen time your child uses daily? The average person spends 12 hours a day in front of their screen. Children under the age of…

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