Teaching Children the Reason for the Easter Season

Teaching Children the Reason for the Easter Season

Teaching Children the Reason for the Easter Season Lee Ann Mancini

Easter is not only about coloring eggs and Easter egg hunts…

Here is a story I wrote for my own children when they were little to help them understand what happened on Easter morning:

On Easter morning, Mary Magdalene and her two friends were sad because Jesus had died on a cross. After Jesus died on the cross, His friends buried Him in a tomb. A tomb is a small cave in a mountain. When they came to Jesus’s tomb, they went inside and saw that Jesus was not there. They were afraid because they didn’t know who took Jesus away. A beautiful angel dressed in a brightly colored robe came to them and said, “Do not be afraid; Jesus is not here. Go and tell Jesus’s helpers that he is alive.” What wonderful news! Jesus was alive! You see, Jesus is called our Savior because he saved us from our sins. When we misbehave, that is a sin. Jesus died for all the sins of the world. Easter is about Jesus’s death, but most importantly, it is about Him rising again. At Easter time, we celebrate this resurrection, which means Jesus coming back to life. We can learn what resurrection means from the different seasons. During winter, all the plants die and wither, but they bloom and come back to life in springtime. That is what resurrection is- going from dead to being alive again. We never have to be afraid to die because we believe in Jesus, and we will live forever with Him in heaven!

Besides coloring eggs and an Easter egg hunt, here are some activities you can do with your child (all articles and links are mentioned at the end of this page):

  1. Paint some symbols of Easter on smooth rocks, then discuss the symbols (Crosswalk.com)
  2. Hiding God’s Word – instead of hiding candy in the plastic eggs, put short Bible verses with a Christian piece of candy (OrientalTrading.com)
  3. Enjoy a Passover meal and discuss Passover in the Bible using storybooks (the article below offers different Passover books for children)
  4. Make a Resurrection Garden (WalkingOnSunshineRecipes.com)
  5. Make Easter bonnets, or make an Easter shoe box diorama (Diorama Shoebox Idea)
  6. Purchase an EvangeCube (ChristianBook.com)
  7. Purchase a bag of jellybeans and read The Jelly Bean Prayer (Jelly Bean Prayer)

Sea Kids products are 25% off, and all bundles are 30% off until April 1st! God’s Easter Miracles is our Easter book that helps children to learn that Easter is not about the Easter bunny or candy, but it’s about Jesus Christ giving up His life for all of us. Forever With Jesus, our other book, helps children understand how Christ died for our sins and how we will live with Him in Heaven forever. Both books are great resources to teach death and resurrection to small children during this Easter holiday.

Articles to help you explain Passover and Easter to little ones:
  • 9 Children’s Books About Passover,” by Rebekah Gienapp. Rebekah Gienapp is a Christian Methodist clergyperson, and she shares some wonderful children’s books that you can read to your children to help you teach the meaning of Passover.
  • 9 Children’s Easter Books to Tell The Story of Jesus,” by Building Faith, a ministry from Virginia Theological Seminary, includes different stories that help you teach the Easter story to little ones.

Get a cup of coffee, take about ten minutes to recharge your batteries, and equip your mind so you can raise warriors for Christ that will stand firm in the face of evil! Occasionally, we will be giving away free books – so stay tuned! My team and I are here to serve you all for the glory of our Lord!