
Teaching Children to be Thankful

Teaching Children to be Thankful Lee Ann Mancini

A lot has changed since the Pilgrims sailed in on the May Flower in 1621… The Native Americans owned the land that the Pilgrims landed on, and they fed the Pilgrims during…

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Teaching Children to Become Critical Thinkers

Teaching Children to Become Critical Thinkers Lee Ann Mancini

Children should receive a platonic education, which would allow them to become critical thinkers! Our children will be the future leaders in our government. It goes without saying that our government needs…

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Devotional Time and Teaching About the Holy Spirit

Devotional Time and Teaching About the Holy Spirit Lee Ann Mancini

Do you have devotional time with your children? Ensure a set time for family worship, reading of the Bible, and devotional time. I learned a great deal about Jesus from my children…

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Tips to Help Your Child Mirror the Characteristics of Jesus

Tips to Help Your Child Mirror the Characteristics of Jesus Lee Ann Mancini

Most children begin to understand abstract concepts around the age of five! I believe babies should be dedicated to the Lord during infant baptism and baptized again when they fully understand their…

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Playtime- Is it Really About Playing?

Playtime- Is it Really About Playing? Lee Ann Mancini

Playtime and games can reinforce biblical concepts, which are vital to teaching little ones God’s word! Children not only need to strive to grow in faith, but it is also important for…

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The Difference in Using Faith Lessons and Moral Lessons

The Difference in Using Faith Lessons and Moral Lessons Lee Ann Mancini

Biblical faith formation is essential in raising Christian kids! This is acquired through various experiences that nurture a solid transformation by which faith in God is accomplished and cherished. Both faith lessons and…

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Christian Indoctrination Is Not Brainwashing!

Christian Indoctrination Is Not Brainwashing! Lee Ann Mancini

Raising Christian kids involves instilling Christian values through indoctrination. Some people consider indoctrination to be a form of brainwashing. However, brainwashing does not use a rational argument and instead uses forceful psychological manipulation. Brainwashing…

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Part 2 – Are You Adhering to the Most Important Directive?

Part 2 – Are You Adhering to the Most Important Directive? Lee Ann Mancini

How can parents teach their children to love God with all their heart, all their soul, and all their mind? The strength to do what we need to do begins in our minds. But the…

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Part 1 – Are You Adhering to the Most Important Directive?

Part 1 – Are You Adhering to the Most Important Directive? Lee Ann Mancini

The Shema is a commandment prayer for all of us- especially those who are raising Christian kids! The Shema was an essential prayer to the Jews. Today, it applies to every Christian household…

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Do Parents Need a Plan Not to Fail?

Do Parents Need a Plan Not to Fail? Lee Ann Mancini

If God is a planner, those who are raising Christian kids should be too! So, where do you start to formulate a plan? The most important plan is a well-prayed-over and thought-out plan on…

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Prodigal Children, It Happens to the Best of Us!

Prodigal Children, It Happens to the Best of Us! Lee Ann Mancini

Those who are called to raise Christian kids should be instilling biblical principles in their children. The Holy Spirit will Ask yourself if you are doing all you can to raise your children to…

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Can You Teach Your Children to Love All People?

Can You Teach Your Children to Love All People? Lee Ann Mancini

How can we teach our children not to be biased in a world that is clearly biased? Today’s subject is a touchy one, so I would like to share a few ways…

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