The Importance of Role Playing With Your Child

The Importance of Role Playing With Your Child

The Importance of Role Playing With Your Child Lee Ann Mancini

Do you know how to teach your child about spiritual warfare? Many parents are not sure how to do this. But if you start teaching your child about spiritual warfare when they are young, they will be well equipped as adults.

The Importance of Role Playing

Young children learn most from mimicking their parents. When you lead the way in showing them how to respond to life situations, they will feel prepared, secure and confident. Your child will be equipped to know what to do.

You are probably role playing even when you don’t realize it. Your child watches how you interact with your spouse, take care of your house and treat people when you are out and about. These life lessons are making a powerful impact on your child, even when you aren’t intentional about what you are teaching.

However, when you decide to get intentional, the power of the lessons increases exponentially. If you start teaching your child how to respond in godly, loving ways when he or she is very young, your child has a greater chance of becoming an adult with integrity.

I can’t overemphasize the importance of role playing. It’s an essential tool in raising Christian kids.

How to Role Play With Your Child

Does the idea of role play seem intimidating to you? It’s much easier than you may imagine. You simply need to be on the watch for teachable moments.

Role play can be fun and memorable. For example, perhaps you want your child to learn how to pick up toys. You could say, “This is how Silly Nilly picks up toys – watch!” Then you act in a silly way, picking up toys but then dumping them back out again. Your child will remember this humorous extreme. Next, you can say, “But this is how we pick up toys – can you help me?” As your child sees you picking up toys and joins in, he or she will catch the lesson through your example.

Examples You Can Use

The most effective examples for your child will be attached to situations that matter to them. For example, if your child is afraid of the dark, you may need to demonstrate how he or she can pray when frightened. Another example is if your child is anxious about starting school. You can demonstrate ways your child can get acclimated to the classroom to help allay his or her fears.

Another important area of role playing is for your child’s personality weaknesses. Each of us has a personality strength with a darker side attached to it. You can both affirm your child’s strengths and address their weaknesses through role playing.

For example, your firstborn child may be responsible and compliant. But your type-A child may be bossy with younger siblings. With this child, you can role play ways to handle the temptation to criticize and control others.

In another example, your child may be very laid back, to the point of laziness. This child may benefit from role play about completing chores before enjoying fun activities.

Pay attention to what your child is going through and which weak spots you notice in their personalities. Then gently and lovingly use a teaching moment via role play to equip your child to handle the situation in a new way.

Want more tips on how to engage your child? Listen to our latest podcast for more practical help!

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The Importance of Role Playing With Your Child